15 Electronic Pieces . Gunter Adler

staubgold 9
1999. cd . dl
These "15 Electronic Pieces" prove of Gunter Adler's aka Jürgen Hall's long experience in working with electronic music. Being both a piece of very diligent work and a labour of love, his vivid electro-pop miniatures tell of adventurous travels to far away countries. His best trump-card: simple and charming melodies.
Gunter Adler
Gunter Adler is the alter ego of Jürgen Hall, and together with Reznicek, is a member of Hamburg's dada pop super group Groenland Orchester who released two acclaimed albums on Staubgold ("Trigger Happiness" 1999, "Nurobic" 2001). A specialist for psycho-acoustics and psycho-physics, with a background in sound research und psycho-acoustics, he works on the edge of pop and experimental music.