Projekt Transmit . Projekt Transmit (Tony Buck)

staubgold 93
2009. cd . dl . lp
FOR FANS OF: Shellac, Glenn Branca, The Necks
Most people would know Anthony Buck as TONY BUCK, drummer and percussionist from sublime improvisational trio THE NECKS. With PROJEKT TRANSMIT, we see another side of this multi-faceted musical personality: giving a firm nod to bands like Shellac and My Bloody Valentine, Projekt Transmit is the creation of Buck's hardcore, post-rock side.
Retaining the experimental edge that encompasses much of his music, each song on this record is rich with texture and momentum. Buck starts with a basic, minimalist idea – be it a driving riff, a syncopated melody or rolling rhythm – and builds upon it with layers of sounds and harmonies.
He drums, sings and plays guitar on an album that challenges as much as his history would suggest it should. From the opening "What You Want", an unrelenting post-rock alternate-James Bond-theme, to the closing ten minute "Time", an exploration of sound and texture that melts into a gentle lullaby, building like waves on the shore then dissipating back to where it came from - this album keeps you on your toes, leaves your nerves on edge, never able to settle despite its strongly minimalistic rhythmic nature. Buck's post-apocalyptic version of Dylan's "Masters Of War" could not be more apt. He has set out to achieve a "sound and momentum" and has achieved that and more.
To truly appreciate Anthony Buck's musical language, it's important to catch the tiny, but significant details in this album. The jangly guitar edges, the well-placed harmonic sounds, the subtle edges, even the humming vocals: listen closely – otherwise, you might just miss something.
Projekt Transmit (Tony Buck)
Tony Buck, born in Sydney in 1962, is regarded as one of Australia's most creative and adventurous exports, with vast experience across the globe. He has been involved in a highly diverse array of projects. Apart from The Necks, he is probably best known as leader of hardcore/improv band PERIL.
Early in his musical life, after having graduated from the New South Wales Conservatorium of Music, he became very involved in the jazz scene in Australia, often touring with visiting international artists such as Vincent Herring, Clifford Jordan, Mickey Tucker, Branford Marsalis and Ernie Watts.
Following time he spent in Japan, where he formed Peril with Otomo Yoshihide and Kato Hideki, Tony moved to Europe and has involved himself in many projects there, including the development of new "virtual" midi controllers at STEIM in Amsterdam.
Tony has played, toured or recorded with, among others, Jon Rose, Nicolas Collins, John Zorn, Tom Cora, Phil Minton, Keiji Haino, The Ex, Peter Brötzmann, Hans Reichel, Han Bennink, Shelley Hirsch, Wayne Horvitz and Ground Zero.