Kraut und Rüben: Gebrüder Teichmann play Staubgold . Various Artists

staubgold digital 13
2011. cd . dl
After Peter Grummich's 'Dinner Music For Clubbers' (staubgold 82, 2008), Alec Empire's 'Rauschgold' (staubgold 92, 2009) and label owner Markus Detmer's '100 Jahre Einsamkeit' (staubgold 100, 2010), it's now the Gebrüder Teichmann (Disko B, Festplatten) who put their hands on the Staubgold label back catalogue in order to produce the fourth volume in this on-going series of dj mix cds.
On the beautifully crafted 'Kraut und Rüben' ('Kraut and Roots') Andi and Hannes Teichmann mix the finest moments of the Staubgold catalogue to a challenging and totally genre-crossing whole which leads to musical territories yet unknown to their listeners.
Cover photo by Ingo Kniest, taken at Miss Hecker, Berlin. Mastered by CGB at Dubplates & Mastering.
01. KAMMERFLIMMER KOLLEKTIEF: Milte Hi Ankhen (aka Bird In Hand)
02. REUBER: Ring Ring
03. PAUL WIRKUS: View Finder
04. KAMMERFLIMMER KOLLEKTIEF: Matt (David Last's Doki Doki Rock Mix)
05. TO ROCOCO ROT: Kölner Brett 1 (Gebrüder Teichmann's Wild Pitch Mix)
06. DAVID LAST VS. MC ZULU: License To Kill
07. INSTITUT FUER FEINMOTORIK: ...ja das ist Kunst!
08. MAPSTATION FEATURING RAS DONOVAN: Be True (Gebrüder Teichmann Dub)
11. HEAVEN AND: Earth Magic
12. JASMINA MASCHINA: Learning To Fly
14. TEICHMANNHURT: Schnitter
15. DIE WELTTRAUMFORSCHER: Lovetown + Mindgarden (Nova Huta Remix)
16. MINIT: Now Right Here
The DJ brothers Andi and Hannes Teichmann, originally from Regensburg/Germany, were exposed to music by their father, the Jazz saxophonist Ulrich Teichmann, right from the early days. At the young age of 12 and 9 they formed their first band 'Totalschaden' ('write-off'). During their teenage years they matured to be leading figures in the regional music scene and later became founding members of the band 'Beige GT' which would grow to national and international fame after their debut album 'Jukebox Heroes'.
As electronic music producers they founded their own record label Festplatten and also released on internationally acclaimed labels such as Kompakt or L'Age D'Or. They quickly found themselves becoming DJs in-demand and toured Germany and Europe extensively.
In 2001 they started a cooperation with the composer/zither player Leopold Hurt, under the name 'TeichmannHurt'. In 2002 the city of Regensburg awarded the Teichmann brothers with the culture prize of the year for their long lasting contributions to and activities for the youth culture of the city. They became the youngest award winners in the history of Regensburg.
When the Teichmann brothers are at the decks or playing live they ride high with the crowd, two guys on a natural high, jumping, raving, always wearing that distinctive Teichmann smile, a euphoria reflected in the music and a smile you can't help returning. The Teichmann sets - ping-pong sets with the two brothers playing each other the ball, consistently unpredictable and focussed. Dramatically mixing genres from minimal to acid, to chicago, techno, rock and house as one. The Teichmann party - raved about not only by Berliners and crowds in Hamburg, Cologne and Munich, but even by those in the depths of Siberia.